Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Lab 3: Broadcasting and Hot Potato

This time in the lab is not as easy as the first time, but also not as hard as the second time. Firstly, we have to form a group of only two people and find a news article from CNN or U.S.A today website. The news article is for us to discuss and record it. We have to discuss it like a radio DJ on the air, talking like hosts in “Studio Classroom.” It’s really fun because we can play like a host behind the scene and talk as if there are many listeners sitting besides the radio.

Abby and I pick an article about the connection between luxury and conscience. This article reminds us that there are several ways to be responsible for our living environment while we are consuming. We can buy a car with little damage of pollution, or we can support the rock band, donating the money and enjoy the concert at the same time in a name of charity. We can also use something used to create a new recycled one. Therefore, the conscience takes the responsibility of consumption. I really like this issue, which is educational and also useful.
Then, we spent some time to create some talks in an atmosphere of radio show. We added some humor or experience element in the talking, and also explain the unfamiliar words.

In the end, we record it several times. It’s really hard to be a radio host, because you have to speak like you never design it beforehand and also fluid enough. Abby and I didn’t do it very well; however, I think it’s an interesting lab experience.

Due to the time limitation, we didn’t have much time to do the “Hot Potato work,” we just try it several times. It’s a kind of software for teachers to set up some word plays. The test can be designed in a fun way. But the limitation is not easy to handle because we have to buy it and log in, or we can’t execute some extra services. It’s really a pity!

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